We offer 24 hour home care services.
Little and often, companionship to nursing.
The people for whom we provide care and
We provide care and support to:
People above 18 years old
Where we provide services
The area(s) we cover include:
• Personal Care for people of 18 years and above
• Domestic help
• Live in Care
• Support clients with social activities
• Companionship

Temporary Health Care Services
Supply of temporary staff such as:
GP Practice
Health Care Assistants
Support Worker
Qualified Chefs
Kitchen Assistant
General Clinical
Work Staffing
GP Practice
Health Care Assistants
Support Worker
Qualified Chefs
Kitchen Assistant
General Clinical
Work Staffing
• Hospices
• Residential Care
• Nursing homes
• EMI settings
• Leaning disability services
• Mental health services
• Health Centres
• Hospitals
Quality Of Service
Standard of Service
Fame 24 Hour Care employees are fully aware of the companies service and quality standards and play an active role in not only maintaining but improving on these standards on an ongoing basis.You can expect a very high standard of service from our staff as they are carefully screened, selected, appropriately trained and orientated to a high standard.
Our Staff
A robust recruitment process is in place to ensure only the right staff are employed by Fame Care and in line with legislation. All our Care Workers undergo comprehensive induction and training prior to providing support to a Customer. We supervise care workers regularly including spot checks and monthly supervision meetings. We meet formally with every member of the team at least annually to discuss their performance and to plan their future development. We update moving and handling training and other knowledge on an annual basis. All staff have access to qualifications and training Care Workers providing a service to customers with specific needs will receive appropriate specialist training where required.
Our Care worker go through a thorough recruitment process which includes several recruitment checks, a written application and face to face interview. All staff have access to induction, training and development opportunities and receive regular ongoing supervision and support. We produce On going monitoring Experienced, fully trained personnel Highest standards NMC verification Full and fast communication Confidentiality Consistency of service Total commitment Attentive, friendly service Out of hours on call service Competitive hourly rate Full compliance with National Minimum Standards.
Our Services
Home Care
Domiciliary care is care that is provided in the person’s own home.Sometimes called “care at home” or “home care”, domiciliary care is when a carer either visits you or lives in your own home, in order to be close at hand to support you. Domiciliary care can be appropriate if you require help with practical tasks or personal care but don’t want to move to a care home.
Temporary Health Care Services
Fame 24hour care are ready to cover your staffing needs with a hand-picked fully trained and reliable workforce. We provide skilled temporary GP Dr, Nurses, Care Assistants and Support Workers to cover everything from short-term sickness to long-term work. Our highly trained recruitment specialists meet, interview, reference and assess all our temporary workers to get you the right support when you need it. We build a quality healthcare workforce and keep their training up to date so they are ready to fulfil your recruitment requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I arrange home care for myself or a family member?
We will be happy to talk through your requirements with you over the phone and then arrange a free no-obligation assessment which will normally be carried out in your home. We suggest that at this time you involve any family members you wish, who may have some questions of their own.
Do you have minimum number of visits?
Our principal concerns are the client’s needs and wishes which is discussed at the initial assessment. If you require only one call a month or to provide you with assistance for attending appointments then we are more then pleased to provide that care as and when needed.
Do you provide continuity of care?
Fame 24hour Care ethos is to go back to the more traditional way of providing care for our loved ones. One way of achieving this is by ensuring the promotion of a friendly rapport between client and carer. We will also never provide a carer without first being introduced to the client by the client’s senior carer.
What if I don’t get on with the carer?
Fame 24hour care ethos is to go back to the more traditional way of providing care for our loved ones. One way of achieving this is to ensure regular carers, this in turns helps promote a friendly rapport between client and carer. Obviously, this can only be achieved if the client is happy with the carer. If for any reason the client is not happy we will find a suitable replacement.
Will I get the same carer on each visit?
Continuity is extremely important to us and to our service users and our carers are allocated to indivdiuals to ensure continuity is maintained at all times.
Are you registered to provide home care services?
Our service registered independently and are inspected by the relevant regulatory bodies of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) and Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (SCSWIS).
The Team
Have a question?
Feel free to get in touch.
Drop us a line and we will be in touch